Hello! I'm Damyon Olson.

I am a Software Engineer with experience working on a multitude of different projects from my time at Clemson University.

My Experience

My Experience

Through my time at Clemson University I have learned a multitude of different skills...

Programming Languages

Experience working with languages such as C++, C, Python, HTML, JSON, Java Script, CSS, PHP, Java, MySQL, and more.

Professional Skills

Professionally, I have garnered skills working in Full Stack Environments. Including Front-End, Back-End and Database Management Systems.

My Work

I've worked with terminal-based applications, pygame games, web applications, and Game Maker Studio Projects.

Here’s some stuff I made recently.

Each project is unique and was either made by me or a team of peers.

Gradebook Project

This project used an AWS database to log grades into a gradebook. With these grades, the user could get averages, check the titles of work, and more.

Bad Space Game

An upcoming Pygame created by me, and some classmates featuring a modular ship system. The game is still in its development stages.

Parking Violation : Clemson

A parking game created by my classmates and I featuring a few levels. It was made mostly to critique Clemson University's parking system. PLAY NOW

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